Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Easter Sunday, on my way back to the office after running my route, I caught a story on the SiriusXM BBC World Service channel. In the spotlight was the present and future of economics.

Unfortunately, I do not recall the name of the two men being interviewed, either because I wasn't paying attention, or else I tuned in part-way through the program.

In any case, what did capture my attention was talk of production and job growth coming uncoupled for the first time in our history. Usually they go together - when an economy's productivity goes up, so also does job growth. Now we see productivity rising, but we're not seeing job growth.

Why is that? Because of the effects of technology. For instance, robots being used in factories where people have traditionally performed a task.

Which has me wondering: Will I someday be replaced by a robot?

It's an intriguing thought.

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