I have four sons - Josiah David, Elihu James, Solomon Emmanuel, Daniel Joseph. My wife's pregnant with our fifth child right now, due in September. We don't know yet whether we'll be having another son or our first daughter. We're very excited to find out, either way.
What sort of world will my sons become men in? They're quite young now - ages 5, 4, 3, and almost 2. But what sort of nation will this be 20 years from now? How about 30, 40, or 50 years from now?
Sometimes I wonder which choices I'm making now will influence my children for the rest of their lives, perhaps my grandchildren and great grandchildren as well. What sort of example am I setting? What am I telling them about life, about their responsibilities and what to expect, about how to make good decisions and do what's right?
I think about that same thing every day for my girls!